$100 room challenge…Week 2, the transformations begin!

I can’t believe how much has already changed in just a week around here! Be sure to read my first post here so you can see all the before pictures and learn more about this challenge.

Before we get going, get your FREE Bathroom printable here!! Just like the one I used in this project!

Our downstairs bath was cute, but I was ready for a CHANGE! Don’t you just get like that sometimes? This challenge was the perfect opportunity for that change. Here is one before picture as a refresher.

bathroom makeover 100 dollar room challenge

My main goal this week during the challenge was to get the walls painted in Benjamin Moore (Revere Pewter). I picked this color because it’s the same color as the rest of our downstairs and we had a TON leftover. I love the color, and that made it ZERO cost to me…even better!

Now, let me just say….I don’t like to paint. Not walls at least. One of my friends described it like child birth. You forget just how bad it is until you do it again! Haha! Pretty accurate.

But, the challenge is ON and it’s worth it. Even though my neck and shoulders may disagree. Here are some progress pics during painting.100 dollar room challenge work in progress on my bathroom makeover 100 dollar room challenge work in progress on my bathroom makeover


I really did love the blue for a lot of years, but I’m so happy about the change and how crisp and bright it seems now. This is a great first step in the transformation of this bathroom.

The other changes that have happened during the challenge this week is that I got my new shower curtain…which is ACTUALLY 2 curtain panels. The reason I did this is because I wanted to raise my rod to make it look taller, so I needed 84″ long like a curtain. This works great in here, because we don’t need a liner back there since literally no one uses this bath/shower. So, it’s really just more for looks. I love the look of a white ruffle curtain! TJMaxx to the rescue!

Last but not least, my cute DIY shelf! This cost me a whopping $8! I got the 2 brackets on sale for 50% off at Hobby Lobby! The wood was scrap wood that we had here that my husband cut to size and I stained using Minwax Special Walnut. Easy, peasy! There will be a sign hung above the shelf…stay tuned for that!

Here are some pics of the progress! (Don’t mind all the wrinkles in the shower curtain…those will be steamed out at the end because the curtain will still have to come down again when I paint the floors!)

100 dollar room challenge bathroom makeover in progress

Next week I will be painting the cabinet black with Blackberry House Paint. I’ve painted tons of furniture and even my kitchen island, so I’m excited and not worried about doing this. HOWEVER, the following week I will be painting the tile floors and attempting to stencil them and that is another story on the nerve level. Haha!

Other than that, the rug will go and I will use a few other décor things that I already own to finish up the space. I’m so excited to keep going on this project.


Be sure to check out other blogs from the $100 room challenge below. Some great transformations are happening on a BUDGET!!


Until next time…

~ Stacey


  1. Patti

    It’s really coming along well. White and bright is always a nice change of pace for a small bath. That shelf adds tons of character and I’m really excited to see what you do to the floor.

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you so much!! I’m loving that shelf too!

  2. Gabby

    This already looks so different. I love that shower curtain too. I have been a little curious about stenciling my laundry room floors but I am kinda scared! Maybe you’ll inspire me 😉

    • Stacey Collins

      I’m VERY scared! I’ll either inspire you or scare you more. Haha! We will see…

  3. Leigh at Little by Little Farmhouse

    Wow! You’ve done so much already and it looks amazing!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you!! 🙂

  4. Ashley@Biggerthanthethreeofus

    The new paint color is so pretty!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you!!

  5. Molly | Awfully Big Adventure

    So much progress already!! Looks so great!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you!! I’m loving it!

  6. Tracy

    The ruffled curtains are gorgeous!!! I’m loving the paint color too. I agree with the childbirth statement. I always think it’s a good idea and then totally regret it. Haha

    • Stacey Collins

      Haha! Yep! But worth it in the end 🙂

  7. Meredith @ The Palette Muse

    Painting bathrooms is especially tough because of all the edges and corners. But it’s looking great! I love your shelf and shower curtain.

    • Stacey Collins

      So true!! And thank you!!

  8. Kristen

    Ooooh it’s looking great! Love the color, the ruffly curtain and the shelf!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you!! It’s coming along!

  9. Emy

    Your bathroom looks fantastic already!

    I’ve painted my vinyl floor and it has held up well. Don’t skip on prep. I used a deglosser and a really good primer (Zinsser BIN) and it still looks great. 🙂

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you for the tips!!

  10. Melissa

    Oh wow! What a huge change already – I thought it was pretty before but I totally get how you get tired of something and just need a change! It’s really coming along and yes about painting!! I hate it once I start (walls at least), but what a difference it makes. I’m so excited to see your painted floor. That’s something I’ve wanted to try, but just haven’t done it yet.

    • Stacey Collins

      Thanks so much! Change is definitely good sometimes! The floors are the biggest and scariest part, but I’m anxious to try!!

  11. Wendy

    I am in love with that shelf! I need to go to Hobby Lobby! I really like the curtain and I can’t believe you will paint the vanity and floors! This will truly be a transformation from paint. It’s going to be awesome! Actually I can’t wait to see the floor, I am thinking of doing the same in my master bath.

    • Stacey Collins

      Thanks! I’m so nervous about the floors, but excited too!!

  12. Maria - House by the Preserve

    Wow, go you for painting the bathroom so fast! I cannot wait to see what you have in store for the floors!!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you!!

  13. Nicki Parrish

    You are a girl after my own heart. I have a white ruffly shower curtain in our master bath! We actually have a shower door, but it’s old and not so pretty, so I hide it with this. Love the progress you have made so far!

    • Stacey Collins

      What a good idea! And thank you!

  14. Erin- Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry

    LOVE this so much!!! The wall color looks beautiful! And I was looking for shelf brackets like that for our bathroom shelves, and couldn’t find them for less than, like, $25. I am grabbing some the next time I’m at Hobby Lobby. Love them! It is looking awesome in here. Fingers crossed for your floor. I bet it’ll be amazing!

    • Stacey Collins

      yes! I couldn’t believe what a great deal the brackets were at Hobby Lobby!!

  15. Kelli

    When I saw the before picture I was like, “What!? she’s going to change out that pretty blue.” But…I love what you have done. It looks so…dang, what’s the word I’m going for? Relaxing? Soothing? Clean? All of those for sure. The curtains are perfect, by the way. Can not wait to see how you paint the floor. I have experience and it didn’t work out for me so looking forward to seeing how you do this.

    • Stacey Collins

      Haha! Thanks! I know, it was pretty before but I’m loving it even more now! I’m nervous to start the floors but anxious too! Stay tuned!


  1. Paint your bathroom cabinet for a CHEAP and easy DIY! $100 room challenge, week 3! | Wilshire Collections - […] sure to check out Week One and Week Two here to see all the before pictures and the other…
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