How I transformed my back door with a little paint in just a few hours!

So, I’ve had the itch for a while now. The itch to paint a door. The itch to paintĀ one NAVY! This navy door on Pinterest gets me every time. Summer

You may have seen this pictureĀ on myĀ social media.door

I posted this for opinions about painting my front door, and I couldn’t believe how many people said to keep it the stain or to restain it. I do love the stain, but again…the itch! My husband wasn’t really in love with idea of paint on the front door either…so we compromised. PAINT OUR BACK DOOR!! I was planning on doing a little porch makeover anyways, so the door was my inspiration and starting point for that. I knew I wanted to use blue out there anyways, so it was perfect!

Here is whatĀ it looked like before. Nothing special, and it really needed to be freshened up anyways. Win, win!door

The awesome thing about the Blackberry House Paint I use is that it can also be used outdoors! And they have the perfect shade of blue that I love called Sunday Suit. Now,Ā in this blog postĀ I am only speaking for my little metal door,Ā thatĀ I painted using Blackberry House Paint. Before you tackle a project like this, please check to be sure the paint you use will work in the elements! door

Once I prepped my door and prepped my paint I was ready to go. A good cleaning and some painters tape is all the prep it really took.


Soon I was on my way. Once that paint went on there, there was no turning back! I knew right away that I was going to love it though.door

Here it is after one coatdoorThen after 2


Then 3

doorI am sooooo happy with how it turned out! When I get everything done out hereĀ I will show y’all the full reveal. But, I sure am off to a good start. What do y’all think?! Would love to hear from you!


Until next time,
