Every single time I use paint to repurpose something I am blown away by what a difference it can make! This DIY is no exception!
You can repurpose a frame in 4 easy steps, and I’m going to show you and tell you how to do just that today!

Does anyone have a frame like this laying (or hanging) around somewhere?! Maybe it’s just not your style anymore or you just know it has potential to be MORE!

Or maybe by the end of this blog post you’ll be putting your shoes on to run to the thrift store lol! Either way…let’s get into it!
The more detailed the frame, the better for this project! I don’t even know where I got this frame I’ve had it so long!
Repurpose a frame in 4 easy steps:
Step 1- Paint it with 2 coats of White Chalk Paint. Any brand will do, but I do prefer chalk for this project!

Step 2- Once dry, take a medium grit piece of sandpaper or a sanding block and distress it hitting up all the raised areas and edges.
Step 3- Take your gold leaf rub n’ buff (they also sell silver and other colors if you would rather use that) and use either your finger or a cloth to rub it into the raised areas and edges.

You can go as heavy or as light as you would like on this step! (mine came from Hobby Lobby)
Step 4- Add your favorite family picture OR a beautiful printable like this Barn printable bundle available on my site to make it look like a piece of art!

Can you believe how gorgeous this is?! I truly love this and it’s so easy to repurpose a frame in this way!

I painted this on a FB live, so if you would like to watch the full step by step you can do so!
Let me know if you’re looking on your walls or headed to the thrift store so you can try this yourself soon!
Until next time…
Love the frame with the barn, what size frame is it.can I get the barn prints?
It’s an 8×10 frame and I linked the barn printable in the blog post! It’s available on my site!
It’s beautiful! Although I wouldn’t call it a repurpose, it’s still serving the same purpose, maybe a refurbish. A glorious one at that! I love it! And the barn prints are amazing too.
Thanks! Feel free to call it whatever you like!
Absolutely gorgeous