Stenciled ceramic tile floors for the win! Week 4 of the $100 room challenge was a big one!

Bye Bye, ugly brown tile floors! Hellooooooo gorgeous black and white stenciled floors! This is something I have drooled over on Pinterest for a while now. I’ve thought about it, then I pushed the thought aside as quick as it came. I was scared!

Not too much scares me in the DIY world, but this did. I have pretty much zero stencil experience. But, when this $100 room challenge came up and I decided to do our downstairs guest bathroom, I knew a change HAD to be done to the floors in order to make an impact. So, I decided to do just that.

Read Week One, Two and Three to see the before pictures and all the progress I have made this month. You won’t hardly recognize this room!

Pretty please, will you PIN this?!

stenciled tile floors, how i used a stencil and paint to transform my bathroom floors!


And here is a reminder of what the floors looked like going in to week 4.

bathroom floors before I stenciled them black and white


I will be doing a FULL TUTORIAL on the process behind these floors soon. So, we are going to save all those details for another post. But, I will tell you it was a labor of love FOR SURE! But, was it worth it? FOR SURE!!

I used Blackberry House Paint to paint the floors. My base coat was Warm Milk (antique white) and then I stencilled in Cast Iron Skillet (black). My stencil is from Royal Stencil and is called the Toledo Tile. You can find it here. It was a great price and easy to work with. I highly recommend it!

Here are some pictures during the process.

stencilled floors, painted white before stencilStenciled floors in black and white paint


And here are some now that the floors are complete! Can you even believe your eyes?! Me either!

Stenciled cermaic tiles in bathroom, done in Blackberry House paint- black and white tile floors

Well, what do you think?!!? Be sure you are following me on Facebook for more updates, tutorial release, etc.

We still have to frame out the mirror this coming week and will be doing a couple more décor touches on the wall you can’t see from these pics…so stay tuned for that! The BIG REVEAL of the finished bathroom will happen next Wed. January 31st! I will show you some close ups of the decor then too! Can. Not. Wait!

I hope you have enjoyed following along on this $100 room challenge with me! I am tired, my back is sore, but at the end of this I’m going to have a bathroom that I love and that makes me happy 🙂

Be sure to check out all the other $100 room challengers and see their progress! All these ladies are kicking home décor booty right now!!


Until next time…

~ Stacey



P.S…Let me know in the comments what you think about this stenciled floor transformation!





  1. Gabby

    Wow! The bathroom looks awesome but those floors are a game changer and steal the show for sure. So awesome! I have been wanting to do them but I am so nervous about the time it takes and messing them up.

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you! They definitely do steal the show. I won’t lie, it is time consuming 🙂 But, I’m so glad I did it. I was nervous about mess ups too. Luckily, the only placed I messed up big was behind the toilet area so no one will really ever see. Haha!

  2. Molly | Awfully Big Adventure

    K, this is nuts. Hands down my favorite, most impactful update I’ve seen in this challenge! Awesome job!!

    • Stacey Collins

      Aww! Your comment made my morning!! I SO appreciate that!!

  3. Emily - SprinkledWithColor

    Looks amazing! Did you have to seal the painted floors? I definitely am pinning this because I want to do the same for my laundry room. Already thinking of the next challenge!

    • Stacey Collins

      Yes! I did seal them with 4 coats of polycrylic!! Thank you 🙂

  4. Wendy Duffy

    I am sooo impressed with how this turned out! They are gorgeous! I am thinking of doing this on my floors so I can’t wait for the full tutorial.

    • Stacey Collins

      Awesome! I should have it up next week! Thank you!

  5. Brittany Serowski

    Your floors look AMAZING!!! I’m obsessed and I just WISH I had the guts to do the same as you!!! I’m thinking I might give it a try in my basement office!!! I love it!!!

    • Stacey Collins

      Trust me, I was scared also! I’m so glad I just jumped in and did it. Give it a try!!

  6. Nicki Parrish

    Wow! You have officially made me want to do a floor similar to this. It looks amazing!!!

    • Stacey Collins

      Yay! Go for it!!

  7. Emy

    Your floors look so amazing! I love that pattern! Gorgeous work!!

    • Stacey Collins

      I appreciate it so much!

  8. Deneen

    This looks absolutely AMAZING!!! Fabulous job. I love stencils 🙂

    • Stacey Collins

      Thanks a ton!!

  9. Kristen

    Ahh this looks amazing! I love it!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you so much!!

  10. Meredith @ The Palette Muse

    Oh my goodness, talk about a transformation! They look amazing. I’m still halfway through mine and it’s a labor intensive project for sure. But totally worth it in the end!

    • Stacey Collins

      Labor intensive for sure!! It helped that we had a week of snow days where I literally couldn’t leave my house. Kind of forced me to keep going with it! Haha! Can’t wait to see yours too!

  11. Amanda Pennington

    Ok, that’s just cool! I’m so impressed how you just jumped in and did it, and how lovely your floor looks! Too often I stay in the “paralysis mode” you mentioned instead of going for it. Beautiful reminder to give dreams a go. Thank you!

    • Stacey Collins

      I was definitely scared, but I’m SO glad I just went for it! Thanks!!

  12. Beth

    Oh my gosh… my heart kind of skipped a beat when I saw those floors, and your whole room already looks complete! Love it, and can’t wait to see the reveal!

    • Stacey Collins

      It’s SO close to being complete! Thank you!!

  13. Rebecca | R&R at home

    Your floor looks AMAZING! I wish I had a place to do this in my house!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you, Rebecca!! Loving your transformations too!

  14. Monica Benavidez

    This is freakin’ amazing! I can’t wait for your full tutorial because I’d love to do this to my outdoor patio. THIS IS GORGEOUS! Great job. 🙂

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you! I will have it up next week!! Would be so pretty on a patio 🙂

  15. Connie from GA

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this floor!! You did an excellent job. I’ve got to try this somewhere in my house – I’m thinking a short hallway I have. What size stencil did you use here?

    • Stacey Collins

      Thanks! My tiles are 12″ so this is the 12″ tile 🙂

  16. Erin- Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry

    My jaw is on the floor (while doing a happy dance for you!) That transformation is the most incredible thing!!! LOVE it! And in a way, I’m glad to hear you were scared, because I am totally scared to try painting floors, but seeing how yours turned out makes me think I might actually be able to do!

    • Stacey Collins

      Yes!! Totally scared!! You could do it for sure! Thanks for the kind words 🙂

  17. Patti

    I was wondering how it would look and it’s gorgeous! So bold but totally works in the small space with all the neutrals and the softness of the shower curtain. Well done!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thanks so much! I think it was the perfect spot for it for sure!

  18. Jessica

    This is amazing!!!!! You’re right I can’t believe my eyes!!! I would love to do this. Can’t wait for the tips!!!!!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thanks so much! Full tutorial coming next week!

  19. Natalie @ NeliDesign

    Are you sleeping on that floor yet? Drink your morning coffee there? I know I would! It’s so amazing. Can’t wait to know more!

    • Stacey Collins

      Haha! Just about 🙂 Thanks!

  20. Tracy

    It looks sooo good!!! I really want to do my kitchen floor like this.

    • Stacey Collins

      Thanks! That would be so pretty!

  21. Colleen Pausley

    Oh. My. Goodness!! That floor is just gorgeous and your bathroom is too! I love it and can’t wait to see how you did it!

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you!! Yes, tutorial coming next week!

  22. Debbie

    WOW!!! These are gorgeous!! Such an impact. Can’t wait for your tutorial! 🙂

    • Stacey Collins

      Thank you so much!!

  23. Nicki Parrish

    Hey Stacey, I would like to use one image with a link back to your site on my blog as part of a favorites post I am writing for February. I love this floor! I also participated in the $100 Room Challenge.

    • Stacey Collins

      Absolutely!! I would love it. Thanks so much!


  1. Budget Bathroom Makeover Reveal! The $100 Room Challenge is complete! | Wilshire Collections - […] Week Four […]
  2. How to stencil your tile floors for a beautiful and cheap DIY! A step by step tutorial! | Wilshire Collections - […] Week Four […]