If there’s one thing I’m not, it’s a wreath maker….BUT…I made an adorable DIY Spring wreath! If I can do this, I PROMISE you can too!
This DIY spring wreath with Dollar Tree Carrots is seriously too cute and only requires 3 supplies! Yep, only 3! A wreath, carrots and some ribbon. Win, win, win!

I grabbed some of these carrots as soon as I saw them at Dollar Tree early in the season. I am glad I did, because I know they are harder to find now. At the time, I had no idea what I was going to do with them- just that they had potential!

This little bamboo wreath had been in my stash for a bit and it’s also from Dollar Tree, so I decided why not slap some carrots on it?!

First up, I made a “Stacey’s simple bow” because let’s face it…I’m not a fancy bow maker either! I of course used buffalo check, but you could do anything here!

Once I made that, I hot glued it to the bottom.
Then, I just placed my carrots around the wreath. I originally thought I was going to leave a space in between them. It was cute, BUT since I had extra carrots…I decided to be extra and fill the whole thing up!

I went to town with my hot glue and I’m SO glad I opted for the full look. It was looking too cute!

Last but not least, I used some of that same buffalo check ribbon and just added a hanger. Easy peasy! The whole DIY Spring wreath is on video too for ya!

What do you think of my DIY Spring wreath with Dollar Tree Carrots?! Let me know if you think you’ll make one too! OR…be sure and pin this one to your pinterest so you can save the idea for next Spring!
Until next time…
Love this idea! So simple and not expensive to make! Now if I can just find the supplies lol. Thanks for everything you do!!!
So easy, inexpensive, and cute!
Fabulous idea… thanks!
Absolutely adorable…if I can locate the carrots, definitely a wreath for this household. Thank you Stacey.
Adorable just like everything you make!
This is so cute, l love it . I want to make this. I hope Dollar Tree still has some carrots.
I really think the wreath and intend on making it. So cute.