Who doesn’t love fall and who doesn’t love buffalo check?! Oh- and who doesn’t love an easy and cute craft?! I love them alllll!
These easy fall craft ideas using buffalo check are adorable and will leave you feeling inspired to get to creating this year!
I’ve shared several cute easy fall craft ideas on FB Live using buffalo check, so I wanted to round them all up in a blog post for you too! (I’ll link all the lives at the end for you too!)
1. The first one is this cute hanging sign using dollar tree items. I got a cardboard type sign and pumpkin from there as well as those cute metal letters that were so popular this year! And of course some buffalo check scrapbook paper too! 
I mod podged the scrapbook paper onto the square sign to cover up the existing look. A little white paint completely transformed the pumpkin and then I use hot glue to attach it the sign!
I added the thankful metal cut out and some burlap leaves that were also from Dollar Tree and that was it! An easy fall craft done in an instant!
2. Next up are these cute little items from the Dollar General. I simply wanted to make them reversible, so a little scrapbook paper on the back sides of 2 of them and it added instant cuteness! 
3. This fall craft was soooooo easy and one of my favorites of this post! I bought a wood pumpkin from Target Dollar Spot and a set of check napkins.
All I did was lay out one of the napkins and mod podge it on, then added a leaf from dollar tree!
Love the addition it made to my entry way. You can see my whole entry area here.
4. This cute little “pumpkin patch” using a buffalo check dollar tree sign. I got creative with this one and turned my sign upside down so that I could set pumpkins inside.
I used a little wood pumpkin from Walmart and the wood dollar tree pumpkins and created a cute little set of 3 pumpkins for an easy and cute fall craft!
5. Last but not least was this adorable no sew fabric pumpkin made from a tea towel from Target Dollar spot and a dollar tree foam pumpkin.
I used the same concept as I did with these pumpkins seen here and made this little cutie! This one ended up getting donated as part of a door prize for my Wilshire Live event!
Which one of these fall craft ideas was your favorite?! If you don’t love buffalo check like I do, you could tailor these to fit your exact style! That is one of the fun things about crafting.
Until next time…
~ Stacey
Pumpkin patch for me (but love all of them)
Love them all. Great job.
I did the no sew pumpkin. Would love to do them all, just don’t have all the items